Slawomir Grunberg and Katka Reszke's “Shimon's Returns” Documentary Screening
“Shimon's Returns” is a documentary film by Slawomir Grunberg and Katka Reszke (USA) shot in 2015 in Poland, Ukraine, and Israel. The film tells the story of Holocaust survivor Shimon Redlich as he returns to Berezhany, his hometown in Ukraine, where he grew up and where he hid during World War II.
“Shimon's Returns” also includes excerpts from the film “Unzere Kinder” (1948) where Shimon appeared as a child.
Screening time: 53 minutes, with French subtitles.
The showing will also feature the participation of Mr. Redlich and Delphine Bechtel, Centre for Interdisciplinary Central-European Research, Universite Paris—Sorbonne (Paris IV).