Ukraine's leader, others, condemn Russia's attack on Babyn Yar

President Volodymyr Zelensky

President Volodymyr Zelensky: "Why repeat 'Never Again' 80 years later, when, after a bomb falls, on Babyn Yar, the world remains silent? Five more lives are lost. History repeats itself..."

Zelensky: After 80 years bomb falls on Babyn Yar again, and the world remains silent

Yermak: Babyn Yar attack: Holocaust victims ‘killed again’

Dmytro Kuleba

Kyiv TV tower, which has just been hit by a Russian missile, is situated on the territory of Babyn Yar. On September 29-30, 1941, Nazis killed over 33 thousand Jews here. 80 years later, Russian Nazis strike this same land to exterminate Ukrainians. Evil and barbaric.


Natan Sharansky

"Putin seeks to distort and manipulate the Holocaust to justify an illegal invasion of a sovereign democratic country is utterly abhorrent. It is symbolic that he starts attacking Kyiv by bombing the site of the Babyn Yar, the biggest of Nazi massacre."

Russian Forces Strike Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Site

Related: Russian bombing of Kyiv damages Babi Yar Holocaust memorial

Related: Sharansky: Israel must take ‘a clear moral stand’ against Putin over Ukraine