World Union of Jewish Studies condemns Russia's aggression against Ukraine

To: Dr. Vitaly Chernoivanenko, President of the Ukrainian Association for Jewish Studies

The Executive Board of the World Union of Jewish Studies wishes to express its shock and dismay over the violence, hostilities, and loss of life currently being perpetrated in Ukraine. We call for an immediate cessation of hostilities and for a return to peaceful, non-violent interactions.

The Executive Board conveys its solidarity and stands with the Ukrainian people, with the Ukrainian Jewish community, and with scholars of Jewish Studies in Ukraine in these tragic days. Each of us hopes and prays for their safety and well-being.

Our thoughts and prayers are with Ukraine and its people in these difficult times. We send our heartfelt blessings: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more!” (Isaiah 2:4); “Be strong and courageous!” (Joshua 1:9).

Prof. Moshe Idel, President, and all members of the Executive Committee.

You can find the text of the statement here.