Andriy Pavlyshyn: Jacek Kuron on Ukrainians and Poles

Ukrainian Jewish Encounter (UJE) is a Canadian philanthropic organization that has been working since 2008 to strengthen relations between our two peoples. This year marks the sixth time we are presenting our organization’s initiatives and projects to the participants and visitors of the 26 BookForum in Lviv, and, in the interests of a broader international dialogue, supporting discussions around books that reinforce and affirm the values we disseminate.

On 22 September 2019, the 26 BookForum featured a presentation of a translation of works by Jacek Kuron titled Poles and Ukrainians: A Difficult Dialogue (2nd ed.).  Kuron was an opposition leader in the People’s Republic of Poland, inspiring generations of Poles to stand against Communist rule. Born in Lviv on March 3, 1934, he died in Warsaw on June 17, 2004. Andriy Pavlysyn, one of the volume’s translators, discussed Korun’s life and works. The publisher is Ukraine’s Dukh i Litra.