Available in PDF: All-Ukrainian Children's Drawing Competition 2021/2022 Catalogue

The "All-Ukrainian Children’s Drawing Competition" was initiated and organized by the Ukrainian non-governmental organization, Ukrainian Jewish Encounter (Ukraine office).

The main goals and objectives of the Competition are to draw the attention of society, particularly students, to Ukrainian-Jewish relations and popularize the study of this topic among Ukrainian youth. To deepen understanding of the breadth, complexity, and diversity of Ukrainian-Jewish relations over the centuries, with a view to the future. To achieve a better understanding of the joint historical experience, to foster a tolerant and conscious attitude to interethnic relations in young people, as well as to identify, select, and support talented youth.

Students of 10-11 grades of general and specialized schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums are invited to participate in The Competition.

The Competition is held in the direction of artistic creativity — drawing. Drawings in any graphic, pictorial form, made with pencils, oil, watercolor paints, gouache or other techniques are submitted to the Competition.

A special professional international jury is created to evaluate and select the best works and determine the winners of the Competition. During its work, the Jury determines three winners, who are awarded I, II and III places. The winners of the Competition receive a monetary reward according to placement. All participants are awarded a participant certificate and literature on Ukrainian- Jewish relations.

The album-catalogue consists of the works of the participants of the All-Ukrainian children’s drawing competition: "Ukrainian Jewish Encounter: Our stories are incomplete without each other ― 2021" and "Ukrainian Jewish Encounter: We are from Ukraine ― 2022".

View the catalogue here.