Video: International seminar "Above and around the Ravine: Memory Wars in Ukrainian-Jewish History, the Traumas of the Holocaust and the Holodomor"

Video: International seminar "Above and around the Ravine: Memory Wars in Ukrainian-Jewish History, the Traumas of the Holocaust and the Holodomor," 11–13 November 2021, city of Netanya, Israel The non-profit organization Israeli Friends of Ukraine,...

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Humanity in the Abyss of Hell. Behavior of the local population of eastern Galicia during the years of the "Final solution of the Jewish question

This book by Zhanna Kovba is based on archival sources, memoirs and oral histories recorded by the author of indigenous Galicians — Ukrainians, Poles, Jews — witnesses to events, and who considered the social and...

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The Ukrainian-language edition of Doris Bergen’s book "War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust" has appeared

The book's strength lies in its accounts, devoid of excessive simplification, of events and the life of Jews and other victims of the Nazi regime. A conversation with Tetiana Borodina, the scholarly co-editor of this...

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