Lesia Ukrainka shows that there were peoples in the world who were even worse off than we were, but they survived and defended themselves: Serhii Romanov

Jewish influences on Lesia Ukrainka and her works.  A conversation with Serhii Romanov, Doctor of Philological Sciences and the head of the Department of Literary Theory and Foreign Literature at Lesia Ukrainka Volyn National University,...

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The states that were formed after the First World War arose around the idea of an "exclusive nation" based on the culture of dominant ethnic groups: A historian discusses the interethnic coexistence of Galicians

A look at the inter-ethnic coexistence and cohabitation of Galicians in the years between the two world wars A conversation with Petro Chorniy, a historian, social anthropologist, Candidate of Historical Sciences, and Research Fellow of...

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Humanity in the Abyss of Hell. Behavior of the local population of eastern Galicia during the years of the "Final solution of the Jewish question

This book by Zhanna Kovba is based on archival sources, memoirs and oral histories recorded by the author of indigenous Galicians — Ukrainians, Poles, Jews — witnesses to events, and who considered the social and...

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The Ukrainian-language edition of Doris Bergen’s book "War and Genocide: A Concise History of the Holocaust" has appeared

The book's strength lies in its accounts, devoid of excessive simplification, of events and the life of Jews and other victims of the Nazi regime. A conversation with Tetiana Borodina, the scholarly co-editor of this...

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Video: "Encounter: The Ukrainian-Jewish Literary Prize" and other recent developments in Ukrainian literature

The Ukrainian Studies Program at Columbia University’s Harriman Institute and the Ukrainian Jewish Encounter (UJE) hosted an online conversation with renowned Ukrainian writers Vasyl Makhno and Andrei Kurkov on 14 October 2021. The discussion focused...

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